Eagle Eye

A Phalcon 4 | Vue 3 Development Platform

Repo: https://github.com/eklect/EagleEye

What is Eagle Eye?

Eagle eye is a development platform that is built with a PHP framework called Phalcon, and a frontend framework called Vue. It utilizes Phalcon 4 and Vue 3.


  1. Clone Repo as your project's root folder
    • git clone git@github.com:eklect/EagleEye.git
  2. In your terminal, install your Node dependencies from project's root (/) directory. This will install all your frontend JS 3rd party frameworks and libraries.
    • npm install
  3. Navigate to the app/library folder and install your composer dependencies. This will install all your backend PHP 3rd party frameworks and libraries.
    • composer install
  4. (Optional) Do an initial compile of the Vue code so you can see what to expect while developing. You can run the development script in npm, and also try the watch script in npm. The watch script will be a dameon-esque type of program that watches for any changes to the .vue files and automatically recompiles them for development use. Refer to Vue documentation on the watch command for more information.
    • npm run dev
      npm run watch
  5. You are now ready to start coding. For more information on the frameworks used. Use these links for more information.